
Agriculture & Gardening

Wild About Gardening - Seeded and cultivated by the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF), this website is a key component of the CWF's backyard habitat program.  Browse through these pages and you’ll learn how to plan your garden to meet both your needs and those of the wildlife you wish to attract (e.g. butterflies, birds, bats, frogs).

Topiary Plants, Trees & Animals - suggestion by Danielle


Bat Conservation International -  (Austin Texas) - Great site for bat information.

FREE BAT HOUSE PLANS - Single Chamber - 4 Chamber - FREE bat house plans (really, they are FREE).

Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre - The public is encouraged to report unusual bat sightings anywhere in Ontario to our hotline. If you have witnessed abnormal bat activity, such as day-flying, or have found dead or dying bats, please contact CCWHC toll-free at

Hobbitstee Wildlife Preserve - Based out of Nanticoke Ontario.  They will rehabilitate bats as well as care for them during the winter months.  Volunteers, from Hobbitstee, may pick up bats from you.  I have also delivered bats, during the winter months, to the Guelph Veterinary Service and Hobbitstee volunteers picked up the bats there.  You would have to contact Hobbitstee for details.

Life n' Support

Courage Community - An outreach to persons with same-sex attraction.

GodTube - Alternative to Youtube

Manhattan Declaration - A call of Christian Conscience and a stand on; 1 - The Sanctity of Life, 2 - The Dignity of Marriage as a union of one man and one woman, 3 - Religious Freedom.

Alliance For Life - Educating Ontario (Canada) on Life issues

Priests For Life - Whether you are clergy or laity, young or old, active or inactive, and whatever your religious or ethnic background, you're in the right place if you want to do something to restore protection to the most vulnerable members of the human family!

Rachel's Vineyard - The worlds largest ministry for healing women and men, after abortion.  Rachel's Vineyard holds hundreds of retreats each year foe women and men who have lost children to abortion.

Silent No More - An awareness campaign about the ill effects of abortion